Habib Al Mulla says 'suggested' ownership law in 1997
Chairman of law firm Baker & McKenzie says he received harsh criticism for proposing foreign ownership and longer expat residency Source: Arabian Business Industry News (ITP.NET)
Chairman of law firm Baker & McKenzie says he received harsh criticism for proposing foreign ownership and longer expat residency Source: Arabian Business Industry News (ITP.NET)
The 2018 ASDAA Burson-Marsteller Arab Youth Survey reveals a generation more connected than ever Source: Arabian Business Industry News (ITP.NET)
Pogba makes visit to holy city ahead of FIFA World Cup in Russia Source: Arabian Business Industry News (ITP.NET)
Gargash said the UAE was in contact with staff from both the Trump and Clinton campaigns Source: Arabian Business Industry News (ITP.NET)
Without naming those detained, authorities have accused them of ‘suspicious contact with foreign parties’, providing financial support to enemies and attempting to undermine the kingdom’s ‘security and stability’ Source: Arabian Business Industry News (ITP.NET)
Nasdaq Dubai will offer futures on some of the Middle East’s largest businesses in sectors including petrochemicals, real estate, banking and transport Source: Arabian Business Industry News (ITP.NET)
Senior execs at Danube Properties, Gemini Property Developers and Samana Developers hail decision Source: Arabian Business Industry News (ITP.NET)
Finishing works currently in progress at Azizi Shaista which will add more than 280 units to Dubai district Source: Arabian Business Industry News (ITP.NET)
Jazeera Airways says Cairo, Doha, Dubai, Alexandria and Sohag will be first flights from its dedicated terminal Source: Arabian Business Industry News (ITP.NET)
Dubai Aerospace Enterprise announces landmark unsecured four-year revolving credit facility Source: Arabian Business Industry News (ITP.NET)